Thursday 24 February 2022

Asparagus densiflorus

Common name: asparagus fern
Family: Asparagaceae
Origin: South Africa

Plant description: Shrub with thorny, branched stems covered with small leaves (cladophylls, rather than leaves). The flowers are small, white and sweetly scented. Small red berries appear after flowering.
Use: hard ornamental foliage plant for indoors, outdoors, a greenhouse or a sunroom.
Light and position: prefer full sun to semi-shade.
Water requirement: Water regularly from spring to autumn, letting the soil dry out slightly before watering again. Keep the soil drier during the rest of the year. The tuberous roots of this plant enable it to tolerate during out for a few weeks.
Plant care: After flowering, cut back the stems to make the plant compact. Spray with water periodically to remove old "leaves". Transplant every three years in spring. From spring to autumn, feed with low-nitrogen fertilizer once a month.
Pest and diseases: Aphids and spider mites and grey mould.
Propagation: Seeds or by plant division in spring or early summer.

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