Sunday 3 October 2021

Pelargonium capitatum

Scientific name: Pelargonium capitatum
Family: Geraniaceae
Common name: kusmalva, rose-scented pelargonium

A beautiful aromatic shrub-let.

Plant Description

Pelargonium capitatum is a soft velvety small shrub that grows up to 50cm. It has rounded, lobed and crisped leaves that are +/-5cm in diameter. Pink to purple flowers appears from September to October. Flowers grow in clusters of up to twenty; they are 15-25 mm in diameter and have a floral tube that is 3-8mm long.

Growing Pelargonium capitatum

Kusmalva grows best in coastal dunes and flats, thus suitable for any garden with sandy soil. It thrives in full sun. Pelargonium capitatum is a perfect plant for coastal or water-wise gardens. It can be used along walkways and as a border shrub. It withstands salt spray and does well in good compost.

Propagate from cuttings and seeds sown in late summer and early autumn.


  • Sow seeds in late summer and early autumn.
  • Sow the seeds in a well-drained medium such as sand sow 1 cm deep.
  • Cover seeds lightly with soil and keep moist.
  •  Until germination occurs, it is essential to place seeds in a room with enough light. 
  • Germination usually occurs within three weeks.


  • Any time of year is suitable for Pelargonium capitatum cutting.
  • Collect cutting early hours of the day.
  • Take 7 cm long, soft stem cuttings from healthy plants.
  • Remove the leaves from the lower third of the cutting.
  • Dip cuttings into a rooting hormone and place them into a tray filled with river sand.
  • Once the cuttings are rooted, pot them up in 1-litre plastic bags. 
  • Water young cuttings frequently and keep them in a shady area for three to four weeks until they have hardened off. Then, grow them in direct sunlight.

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