Monday 28 June 2021

Ledebouria socialis

Common name: silver African hyacinth
Family: Hyacinthaceae
Origin: South Africa

Plant description: red above ground bulbs proliferate in dense colonies to form densely gregarious, dwarf, bulbous plants in dense colonies. The leaves are lanceolate to triangular, with a silver background colour, adorned with green to brown spots on the upper side.  The underneath is green to purple; the leaf colour and markings are highly variable. There are usually between 10 and 30 florets on erect flower spikes; each floret is attached to the peduncle by a short stalk. It has small greenish purple, pink flowers from July to November sometimes December. 
Use: as an indoor plant, as a ground cover in rockeries, hanging baskets and pots. It thrives indoors and outdoors.
Light and position: it tolerates semi-shade.
Water requirements: moderate watering 
Special care: sufficient sunlight, does not need a lot of attention.
Pest and disease: bacterial rot.
Propagation: by division and by sowing fresh seeds..

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