Sunday 2 August 2020

Jordaaniella dubia

Scientific name: Jordaaniella dubia H.E.K. Hartmann
Common names: Strandvygie, matvygie

Plant Description  
Eye-catching vygie when in flower, perfect for a water-wise and coastal garden.
Jordaaniella dubia is a drought-tolerant prostrate succulent with stems longer than 20 cm and slender, the long stems, roots as are they go. The leaves are spindle-shaped mostly the same size without papillae. You can expect attractive yellow, solitary flowers that are 30 – 40 mm in diameter from May to September. It bears attractive yellow solitary flowers that are 30 – 40 mm in diameter. It flowers from May to September.

The genus Jordaaniella was named for Professor Pieter Gerhardus Jordaan (1913-1987), Professor of Botany at the University of Stellenbosch (Smith et al. 1998) in 1984, by a world-renowned mesemb botanist, Dr H.E.K. Hartmann. 
Growing and maintenance of Jordaaniella dubia
It is suitable to grow in sandy soil. It thrives in full sun and requires little watering. It can be used for any fynbos, water-wise and coastal gardens.
It is a pleasure to propagate Jordaaniella dubia as it is easy and very rewarding. It can be propagated from seeds and cuttings.
-          Cuttings can be taken from autumn.
-          They can be planted into river sand or any garden soil.
-          Place cuttings in a cool spot and keep them moist but avoid overwatering.
Jordaaniella dubia is available at our nursery UWC Cape Flats Nursery.
Manning, J. 2007, Field Guide to Fynbos, Random House Struik (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town
Low, A.B. 1983, Flowering Plants of the Cape Flats Nature Reserve, University of Western Cape, Bellville
Chesselet, P & Low, B. 2014,

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