Monday, 29 June 2020

Nature Reserve Leads by example saving water

With the rainy season mostly over, the UWC- Nature Reserve unit keeps doing it's bit to build on the University of the Western Cape's (UWC) reputation of being the greenest campus nationally. 

Water tanks have been successfully installed which have already illustrated its worth with the recent water cuts on campus. Our unit is flushing toilets with rain water, while the rest of the campus community had two options: pinch or wait until the water supply was reconnected. 

The Nature Reserve office building has become the first building on campus to run our toilet flushing system entirely on rain water collected by two 2500 litre water tanks.  Working closely with the Infrastructure and Engineering department on campus, we already have two rainwater tank systems installed and in full operation.

We would like to encourage staff and students to keep saving water to help uphold and keep improving UWC’s status as the greenest campus in Africa. We’ve done it for a third year and would like to see our campus improving on its green status every year. 

Our second system - also successfully installed - includes three 1000 liter rainwater collection tanks which provide water for general use and for the watering of nursery plants. 

Nature Conservator, Robin Adams provided these tried and tested tips on how to get started and maintain a rainwater system at home. 

Rooftops: Ensure rooftops are cleaned regularly to avoid runoff contamination. It is best to do this before the rainy season, since the dry season brings dust, leaves, dead insects and animal excrement that accumulates on the roof. 

Gutters: Install gutter mesh or clear any leaves and debris in your gutter to prevent blockage in your rainwater system. To limit leaf litter, cut or trim back any overhanging branches. 

Pre-filtration: Frequently check your pre-filtration device or filter which is installed between the inlet pipe and the water tank to ensure it is free of leaves or debris. 

Tank screen: Regularly clean the screens to prevent blockage. 

Keep your tank clean: Seal your tank correctly to prevent mosquitoes from breeding and evaporation from occurring. Check the inside of your tank every 3 months to ensure it is clean of debris or leaf litter.

Water Quality: If you intend using rainwater for consumption it is advised to consult someone experienced in installing water filtration systems, but this will not be needed if the water is used for irrigation purposes, laundry or general purposes for which it is recommended. To preserve water for consumption add preferably non-scented chlorine/chlorine to the ratio of either two drops for every 2 litres of water or for a 1000l tank add 40ml. Let the water stand open for 30 minutes before drinking.

Article by Harriet Box - UWC Communication and Marketing Office

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