Tuesday 30 June 2020

Laurenda van Breda promotes Environmental Awareness through photography

UWC Nature Reserve Unit's environmental education officer, Laurenda van Breda, is featured as a conservation photographer creating environmental awareness through photography. 

The month of June is International Environment Month and includes Nature Photography Day. Laurenda was featured for her involvement in UWC's annual Faunal Survey in the Cape Argus, Die Burger, Tygerburger, Netwerk24 and a radio interview on Radio Tygerberg. 

Van Breda said she felt fortunate to have the chance to work in nature and share environmental education through her photography.

Tygerburger, Wed 24 June 2020

Cape Argus, Friday 19 June 2020

Die Burger, Friday 19 June 2020

Article links:

Faunal Survey Newsletter (2019):

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