Monday 1 June 2020

Phyllobolus canaliculatus

Phyllobolus canaliculatus 
Common name: Vingerkanna

Plant Description  
Phyllobolus canaliculatus is a branched perennial succulent with a fleshy rootstock and soft branches. A geophyte with tuberous roots and softwood branches that root at the end of nodes. The leaves are opposite below but alternate in the inflorescence and with prominent bladder cells. It bears glistening white flowers that are 20 – 30 mm in diameter. 

The name Phyllobolus is taken from the Greek word phyllon meaning leaf; bolos meaning throwing; referring to the deciduous shedding of leaves by some species. The specific epithet canaliculatus means with a longitudinal groove or channel, long and concave; referring to the leaves of the species. Most species of Phyllobolus have conspicuous water cells much like Mesembryanthemum. They are winter-growing caudiciforms and are deciduous, even shedding stems, in summer.

Growing and maintenance of Phyllobolus canaliculatus
Phyllobolus canaliculatus is suitable for winter rainfall gardens. It is ideal for coastal and water-wise gardens. It grows in well-drained soil and sun. Propagate Vingerkanna through cuttings, rooted runners and seeds. They can be planted directly into the soil and early autumn will be an ideal time to plant rooted runners and seeds. This plant available at UWC Nature Reserve Unit Nursery.

Kersting, D. (compiler) 2001. Wildflowers of the Cape Peninsula. Botanical names: Origin and meaning. Flora Documentation Project, Friends of the Silvermine Nature Area, St James.

Fiona Powrie,1998. Kirstenbosch Gardening Series, Grow South African Plants. Cape Town.

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