Monday, 26 July 2021

Sansevieria pearsonii

Common name: spiky Mother-in-law's tongue

Family: Ruscaceae

Origin: South Africa

Plant description: an evergreen, sculptural succulent (fan-like) that can reach 1 metre tall. The leaves are spike-like and cylindrical. It produces a terminal spike-like cluster of creamy pinkish, fragrant flowers that open at night after the large orange berries that birds eat.

Use: it is a great indoor plant, a good container plant outdoors in a water-wise garden and rockery. 

Light and position: It grows best in shade, semi-shade and full sun. 

Water requirements: Water-wise, avoid over-watering as it does not tolerate standing water.

Special care: Make sure to handle the plant carefully because of its pointy leaves.

Pest and disease: root rot.

Propagation: take cuttings or divide the plant at any time of the year. 

Monday, 12 July 2021

Propagating Cysticapnos vesicaria

This plant grows on sandy flats and slopes, and it climbs between bushes. It can grow in full sun as well as light shade. It is best suited for water-wise gardens. Even though it is not long-lived, it produces beautiful flowers when it blooms.

Propagate from seeds: 

  • Sow seeds in autumn.
  • Plant seeds in a seedling tray filled with well-draining soil.
  • Spread sand lightly over seeds.
  • Until the seeds germinate, they must be placed in a light-filled room.
  • Germination occurs quickly in one to two weeks. 


Monday, 5 July 2021

Cysticapnos vesicaria

Scientific name: Cysticapnos vesicaria
Family: Fumariaceae
Common name: Klappertjies

Plant Description

Cysticapnos vesicaria is an annual vine with a greyish bloom. There are usually ten-drilled leaves with 3-lobed leaflets found in wedge shapes with racemes of 2 lipped flowers. It has pink flowers with broad winglike petals; flaring petals 10mm long. The flowers blossom from August to October. As a result, swollen balloon-like fruits develop, looking smoky pink-grey. The seeds are tiny and lenticular, with a shiny black testa. Cysticapnos comes from the Greek cystis, meaning bladder, and capnos, meaning swollen or bladder-like capsules. 

Growing and maintenance of Cysticapnos vesicaria

This plant grows on sandy flats and slopes, and it climbs between bushes. It can grow in full sun as well as light shade. It is best suited for water-wise gardens. Even though it is not long-lived, it produces beautiful flowers when it blooms.

Propagate from seeds: 

  • Sow seeds in autumn.
  • Plant seeds in a seedling tray filled with well-draining soil.
  • Spread sand lightly over seeds.
  • Until the seeds germinate, they must be placed in a light-filled room.
  • Germination occurs quickly in one to two weeks.